On-Demand Kitten Service Launched to Celebrate National Cat Day
People on the Internet, if you haven't heard, love cats. They love looking at photos of cats, GIFs of cats and funny cat videos.
And today, for National Cat Day, two companies are betting that those very same people will love to look at some real-life kittens and order some cute cats to their house for just 15 minutes.
Uber, the on-demand taxi service and app, and Cheezburger, the popular website, have teamed up for one day and one day only to bring the people of the Internet real kittens. Seriously.
When you open the Uber app on your Android and iPhone phone in New York City, Seattle or San Francisco today, you all see a "Kittens" option. Tap the button and you will be able to book a kitten visit. For $20, the service will come by your house or office building or street corner and bring by some cute cats for 15 minutes. The money, the app says, will be donated to a local animal shelter.
Uber has done similar promotions in the past with an on-demand ice cream trucks to celebrate summer and on-demand "Freedom Rides" to voters on Election Day.
But good luck getting to see those kittens if you're in one of those cities. In New York City, we attempted several times to get the kittens to stop by our office yet all we got was a "kittens were currently being snuggled" message in the app.
Who would have thought the people of the Internet wanting to see real kittens would be so popular?